Working Papers

Illiquid Lemon Markets and the Macroeconomy

with Aimé Bierdel, Juan Herreño and Pablo Ottonello - revise and resubmit, Journal of Political Economy

Concentration, Market Power, and Misallocation: The Role of Endogenous Customer Acquisition

with Hassan Afrouzi and Ryan Kim - revise and resubmit, Econometrica

The International Price of Remote Work

with Agostina Brinatti, Alberto Cavallo and Javier Cravino - revise and resubmit, Review of Economic Studies

Dollar Pricing, Inflation, and Search Frictions

with Diego Perez - revise and resubmit, Journal of Monetary Economics

A Theory of Labor Markets with Inefficient Turnover

with Andres Blanco, Christian Moser and Emilio Zaratiegui

Labor Market Dynamics after Nominal Devaluations 

Work in Progress

A Theory of How Workers Keep Up with Inflation

with Hassan Afrouzi, Andres Blanco and Erik Hurst

How Does Inflation “Grease the Wheels” in a Frictional Labor Market?

with Andres Blanco

Monetary Policy, Firm Heterogeneity, and the Redistribution of Sales

with Hassan Afrouzi and Peter Zorn


Nominal Devaluations, Inflation and Inequality

with Andres Blanco and Emilio Zaratiegui. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, conditionally accepted.

The Extension of Credit with Non-Exclusive Contracts and Sequential Banking Externalities

with Giacomo De Giorgi and Enrique Seira. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2023), Vol. 15, pp. 233-271.

Paying Outsourced Labor: Evidence from Linked Temp Agency-Worker-Client Data

with Simon Jäger, Pascuel Plotkin and Benjamin Schoefer. Review of Economics and Statistics (2023), Vol. 105, pp. 206-216.

The Evolution of the Earnings Distribution in a Volatile Economy: Evidence from Argentina

with Andres Blanco, Bernardo Diaz de Astarloa, Christian Moser and Danilo Trupkin. Quantitative Economics (2022), Vol. 13, pp. 1361-1403 [special issue]. Part of the Global Repository of Income Dynamics project.

Currency Choice in Contracts

with Rishabh Kirpalani and Diego Perez. Review of Economic Studies (2022), Vol. 89, pp. 2529-2558.

Domestic Price Dollarization in Emerging Economies

with Diego Perez. Journal of Monetary Economics (2021), Vol. 122, pp. 38-55.

Price Setting under Uncertainty about Inflation

with Diego Perez. Journal of Monetary Economics (2020), Vol. 116, pp. 23-38.

Sympathy for the Diligent and the Demand for Workfare

with Ricardo Perez-Truglia. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2018), Vol. 153, pp. 77-102.

Wealth Redistribution After Exchange Rate Devaluations

with Diego Perez and Gustavo Pereira. American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings (2018) Vol. 108, pp. 552-556.